The Democratic primary season will just not end. There is no easily apparent way that Clinton can win but Obama lacks the killer instinct to close the deal. So we are made to watch as Clinton shows what a poor loser she is and Obama flounders around showing that he really isn't the winner we thought he is. In the end Obama will win but he may be so damaged that McCain will win by default.
The vote in West Virginia shows that Obama is not universally liked within the party. It really does show that his appeal is within a segment of the electorate and that he lacks the broad appeal that it will take to win in the Fall. I believe that Clinton's appeal is that she is willing to talk about specific plans and policies and Obama is still talking about changing the nature of politics at the presidential level. The country right now is hurting on several levels due to the economy and we need to hear about plans that will help us now.
That is not to say that the nature of politics in Washington doesn't need to change. The Bush presidency has really polarized the national discussion on policies of the government. Bush has made policy by buzzword and fear. If we are to regain our standing in the World we need to have open discussions about what we are doing and why without demonizing those who speak out against the administration. That is what Obama wants to do and believe me it is needed and the sooner the better. But Obama needs to win first and do so in a way that shows he is a leader and that he really wants to be president. He needs to campaign and win in the remaining contests and win big. He needs to show us he is president and why Clinton would be not be the president that she tells she wants to be.
Getting Old is a Pain
10 years ago