This is something I haven't done in years. Not sure just what to say or if this is even viewable by anyone other than me. So many things have changed. Both Caroline and myself are now retired but other than that so little has really changed. Of course there is now covid and that has really changed the world. Not only is there sickness and death on a worldwide level but the whole thing has been so politicized that it isn't even funny anymore. There have always been the conspiracy people and they are having a field day. There are anti-vax people and nut jobs saying that the vaccine will change our DNA. That it is made from dead fetuses. That it will make you infertile or make you magnetic. That it has tracking devices in it or is it mind control. People are unwilling to do even the simplest things to ensure theirs and other peoples safety. Masks or quarantine are just about fighting words anymore. There have been several different variants of the disease, some more lethal than others. Wearing a mask and getting vaccinated all help and make it so if you do get sick it isn't as bad but will people do that. Hell no. Where does this all end. I don't think anyone knows but it now seems as if it is here to stay.
Like I said I'm not sure if anyone other than me will ever see this but I will try and keep adding to this.