Friday, December 7, 2007

American Service Men and Women aren't Gladiators

The Grayson County Kentucky News-Gazette reported that on a recent campaign swing Senator Mitch McConnell [Republican of Kentucky] while speaking about Iraq and the losses that have occurred there said, "Nobody is happy about losing lives, but remember these are not draftees, these are full-time professional soldiers". I can think of no more disrespectful comment about our brave fighting men and women that has been uttered by anyone on either side of the isle about Iraq and the war on terror. To somehow make out that the deaths of these men and women are not as tragic or needless just because they weren't drafted is the most callous statement made by any Republican including the President. Believe me the deaths of the " All Volunteer Army" in Iraq and Afghanistan are felt just as much by the families as those of the drafted Army in Vietnam, Korea and World War 2.
Senator McConnell, the senate minority leader and mouth organ of the President, shows that the Republican Party just doesn't get it. If this is compassionate conservatism then count me out. If this is family values as practiced by the Republicans then again count me out. If this is how Evangelical Christians view those people who defend their freedoms then count me gladly as an agnostic. Now I know that if given the chance there are any number of Democrats that are willing to make an equally repugnant comment but it is the Republicans that are decrying anyone who speaks out or suggests a different course. So where are the cries for Senator McConnell to step aside. Why isn't Senator McConnell being striped of his leadership roles . Why isn't Senator McConnell being labeled as anti American and called a supporter of terrorism.
What Senator McConnell and all the Republicans and Democrats have overlooked is that as the political leaders in the Congress it is their job to plan and use our military, whether it is a draftee military or volunteer military, in a manner that makes sure they are not wasted needlessly by a Commander-in-Chief in ill planned and thought out schemes and adventures. Please Senator McConnell get down on your knees and apologize to all those families that have ever lost a family member in the military in war. Rediscover your task as a counter to these schemes and adventures of the Administration and use the military as means to further the defense of the United States and not as a way for the President to play at being a World Leader. We do have a professional military but that does not mean that they are mercenaries or gladiators to be thrown away needlessly.

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