Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Paris Hilton for President

I just watched the Paris Hilton answer to the John McCain ad about celebrity and I laughed my head off. I think that she will have the last laugh on this issue. That being said I did rather like her answer to the energy crisis. Limited off shore drilling with tax incentives to the auto makers for hybrid and plug in technology cars. This actually is not a bad plan and in the great scheme of things in Washington DC, it is doable.  It is sad that a celebrity has a better thought out plan that can work than either of the two candidates. I now want to hear her plan for affordable health insurance. 
The old white haired dude and the serious talking guy really need to stop trying to one up the other guy and start thinking about and articulating about the very real problems that we are facing as a nation. Energy, Social Security, health care, education, the environment and the mess that is Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead we have the old white haired dude mocking the serious talking guy and handing out tire pressure gauges to the media thinking it is a joke.  The serious talking guy pulls out the race card and prattles on about changing politics as usual. 
If either one of these clowns wants to win on the issues and ideas they had better start having some ideas and look at the issues. Energy is easy compared to Social Security and health care and so far neither of them have talked about those. I know that there is still 3 months until election day and that anything can happen in that time but I'm just pessimistic enough to believe that all we are going to hear is name calling and the same old party line. So lets hear it for Paris Hilton, she at least saw a problem and came up with doable, workable solution. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paris obviously has some marketing savvy; she can turn anything into a PR boost for herself... thx to McCain’s miscalculation, she’ll be selling more cans of wine than ever