A family member has started a Church, The Donut Church. Now before anyone gets upset this is all tongue in check, but it has gotten me thinking about food. All societies have favorite foods, comfort foods, which are made in times of trouble and celebration. All these foods have one thing in common, they are all high in fat and calories and we love them. We eat them when we are happy. We eat them when we are sad and troubled. We eat them because they almost always make us feel better or they bring back memories of our childhood and the comfort our parents and family brought us.
I know that the reason we like these high calorie high fat foods is buried deep in our subconscious mind and has to do with self-preservation. It is why our species has survived through the eons. Pack on the fat and make it through the hard times. Unfortunately that has become a problem for our society. The hard times used to mean no food but that is not something we in the present day Western World have to deal with. So we are becoming a society of overweight unhealthy individuals.
My love of comfort food which includes maple bars, ice cream, bread and just about anything chocolate has helped me become a type 2 diabetic and at least 80 pounds overweight. I know that this is going to hard to do but we need to start to rewire into our subconscious just what a comfort food is. Celery instead of maple bars, apples rather than ice cream and salad instead of chocolate. This will of course take thousands of years to change but we need to start or we will start to resemble the humans in the Pixar movie Wall-E.
So I will start to change my habits before the clarion call of Donutarianism makes me throw in the towel and run screaming to the nearest Krispy Creme.
Getting Old is a Pain
10 years ago
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