Friday, February 20, 2009

The Marketing of Carter

The other morning while getting Carter ready for school, we were watching TV. The show was a Japanese animation called Bakugan. We have watched it several times now but I must admit that I have no idea what it is about. The characters for no apparent reason have these battles with small round fighters that turn into larger warriors with hit points assigned but that can be changed with ability cards. So far there are no real rules that I can discern and no plot in what passes for the storyline. Carter can tell that I don't understand the show. He goes into his room and returns with 6 small segmented plastic balls that turn into the Bakugan warriors and he hands them to me and says "This is what it is all about grandpa. They want to make me buy these toys at the store and it is working". I wonder if the boys in marketing know that a 7 year old has figured out what they are doing. 

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