Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

I sit here listening to all the fireworks going off in the neighborhood and find myself wondering just what sort of recession is this. My next door neighbor has been setting off fireworks for the last 60 minutes and not just the safe and sane stuff. They have launched at least 20 aerial rockets and those are not cheap. In fact I was rather bummed out about not going to see the big show downtown but I need not have worried. The show in and around the neighborhood is spectacular to say the least. It is nice to know that I don't have to spend a dime but can see a great display of aerial fireworks while sitting in my front yard.

Rob called this evening and he is still at Al Asad in Iraq. He was supposed to have left today to start his journey back to Boise. They were grounded by a sandstorm but should get out tomorrow. They will be going to Qatar to await the rotator. He says he will be back in Boise on the 12th of July. No reason why they will have to wait so long in Qatar but at least he is out of Iraq. He says this the last time he will volunteer for a deployment.

I did get a very pleasant surprise today. I heard from a friend from way out of my past. He found me because of a comment I had left on a fan site about Seattle radio stations on Facebook. He is Joey Fleischauer from Spokane. He is two years older than me but he was my best friend in the world at the time. I have often wondered about him over the years and to hear from him after 54 years is real surprise. I have written back to him and will have to try and see him. He is living in the Seattle area and is using the name Joe Micheals. It is sure becoming a smaller world.