Carter played his first soccer game last Saturday. His team, Blue Navy something that is hard for this old Air Force guy to root for, won 6-4 over the Rolling Red Thunder. Carter played well and had a good time but it was easy to see that something was missing for him. On Sunday we took him to his dad's house and watched movies. His dad called from Iraq and Carter and him had a good talk about the soccer game and how Carter played. After the call Carter was very quiet and subdued. At one point in the movie "Hollywood Chihuahua" when the puppy is lost in Mexico Carter looks at me and says I thought this was a funny movie. Lucky for us the movie did get funnier but Carter still snuggled in and stayed very close. Watching Pinochhio didn't help any either. Carter was really feeling lost and just a little left behind.
I worry for Carter because a 7 year old shouldn't have to worry about their dad being in a needless war. Carter, this time, knows how long 120 days is and he also has an understanding of the risks his dad is facing. On the news I see that while the troops are going to leaving Iraq they are instead going to Afghanistan, another needless war. In 2002 when we went into Afghanistan to get Osama bin Laden we were in reality fighting a war on terrorism and on terrorists. Then along comes Iraq and the focus was lost and the terrorists were allowed to melt away to continue their war of hate and extremism. Obama wants to bring the war back to Afghanistan but is getting told that the time for troops and warfare may be past. Also his plan doesn't get us any closer to Osama bin Laden. Obama knows this and so the fake outrage over the AIG bonuses. Move attention away from the needless war with outrage over something that is small in scale but does touch a hot button of sorts.
Every military power since Alexander The Great has been unable to defeat the Afghan tribal areas and people. We will lose also as they don't want us there or care for the ideals we are trying force down their throats. If they want to live in the 12th century let them. We can put a fence around them and let them have the life they want. We can monitor them and make sure the terrorists stay there and hope that sometime in the futrue the Afghan people will decide to move forward without the terrorists and then maybe we can help with a force of arms. For now bring the troops home so Carter and all the children like him can have their fathers and mothers at home were they belong. STOP THIS NEEDLESS AND ENDLESS WAR.
Getting Old is a Pain
10 years ago
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