Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Guns at School

Sadly the gun debate hasn't made any progress or shown any signs of finding some common ground or common sense. Now the talk is about arming the teachers and other staff. I have no problem with this if the staff and teachers are willing to do it  but no one should be forced to carry a gun. Also there is lots and lots of training that would have to be done before this would have even a ghost of a chance of working. Also I really doubt that more guns is even close to the solution we need. Can you even begin to imagine if for some reason a teacher shot a student by mistake.

Real common sense and solutions that both sides of the more sensible people have said they'd like aren't even on the table as the NRA and its members get absolutely hysterical if they are brought up. Things like an assault type weapons ban or large capacity magazine bans. More and better background checks. These can't even be brought up because of the NRA. In Florida the legislature voted down an assault weapons ban while survivors of the last mass shooting watched in the gallery. I wonder how much that cost the NRA. How bankrupt of a moral compass do you have to have to do that.

I read on a news site that there have been 16 police officers killed in the line of duty so far this year. The article was written as if this was horrible thing and made the school shootings less of an issue because police had been killed. I worked with law enforcement for 25 years and every officer knows and understands there is a chance they may meet a violent death. And don't get me wrong here, any persons death is a tragedy but how messed up and pathetic is the world if our children have to accept that same idea when going to school. What a sickening and sad vision of America do you have to have for that to be acceptable to you.

As for teachers with guns to protect our students, just remember that every police officer that died while on duty was armed. Now imagine a teacher armed with a Glock in a classroom with 20-30 very frightened, possibly screaming kids fending off an attacker armed with an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine.

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